+41 22 575 26 62
TARIFFSÂ for Corporates
Below tariffs include...:
Asset Liability Management Consulting & Supervision Services
Regulatory watch (EMIR…)
Projects Governance (Steering & Project Committees Attendance)
Finance, Risk, Treasury Governance & Organisation
Accounting under IFRS 9 and Swiss Gaap (Investment Portfolio & Derivatives)
Investment Framework and Risk Appetite Calibration
Funding & Refinancing Strategy
Fund & Liquidity Transfer Pricing
Bank Relations Negociation (fee schedule, overdrafts and Loans cost and remuneration)
Training (Formal and Informal on all aspects of Tsy Management)
Treasury & Investment Advisory Services:
Macroeconomic view
Macro Strategy (Forex, Rates & Credit)
Excess Liquidity Optimisation
Financial Products Selection (Indirect Investment)
Credit Selection (Direct Investment in CDs, CPs, Bonds...)
...but also tools like:
Bloomberg Terminal
Microsoft Office
Adobe Acrobat
and other tools you won't have to pay for!
Dedicated Time = On site intervention, Video Conferences, Conference Calls or Email answers to technical questions.